Going To Church

Studied Christianity, visited and learned just about every denominations' doctrines. In the past, I have been a teacher and deacon for a local deaf Church.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Best Evangelist is.........

I have seen so many methods of "Evangelism". Some are okay, some are not okay and some are really BAD.

The Best Evangelist is the Holy Spirit. We are to spread the Gospel and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.

Christ is more than a system, tradition, or belief. He is a Person who knows our needs, feels our pain, and sympathizes with our weakness.

A Christian who witness to others must have a good reputation, especially to the outsiders who are watching. 1 Timothy 3:7 He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap. Evangelism requires courtesy from a believer and be Christ-like. Many have accepted Christ by watching Christians more than talking.


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