Going To Church

Studied Christianity, visited and learned just about every denominations' doctrines. In the past, I have been a teacher and deacon for a local deaf Church.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Building a Sustainable Men's Ministry: Step 2

Step 2: Equip Your Men’s Ministry “Go to Guys,” and Help Them Build a Team
All of the ministry that is undertaken by the body of Christ, including of course the discipling ministry of the teaching and ruling elders, could be called “men’s ministry,” in so far as it ministers to the male gender. However, in this newsletter, we are using the term “men’s ministry” to describe the mobilizing of the men in your congregation, under the authority of the session, to use their gifts to help men be discipled.
As we saw last time, the starting point for men’s ministry is to prayerfully identify a few men who have the passion and qualifications to be a part of the leadership core for the men’s ministry. If you are reading this, you may be part of that leadership team.

The second step is to expose this team to training in men’s ministry that will intensify their passion and give them some practical understanding of effective ministry to men in the 21st century. Here are 7 potential sources of training:

1. The Men’s Ministry Action Plan. This booklet is published jointly by the PCA CE&P and the Man in the Mirror and presents a 3 part strategy for effective men’s ministry: Create Value, Capture Momentum, Sustain Change. It is available in the PCA bookstore.

2. Training available through the Man in the Mirror National Training Center. There are 3 one day regional seminars, Discipling Men’s Hearts, Brothers Building Vital Relationships, Essentials of a Sustainable Men’s Ministry. There is also a full 3 day seminar held in Orlando several times each year.

3. Free Online Mini-Course. You can visit this right now, by clicking this link, but why not get the rest of the core team together around a lap-top and go through it together.

4. Effective Men’s Ministry, published by the National Coalition of Men’s Ministries is an excellent collection of articles by many men’s leaders around the country. It is also carried by the PCA bookstore.

5. The National Coalition of Men’s Ministries Annual Conference. The 2005 conference in D. C. was attended by members of 8 different PCA churches. The next conference will be held in Colorado Springs in the Spring of 2006. For more info go to www.ncmm.org.

6. This newsletter and its links. Without overwhelming you with data, our intent is to give you the kind of vision and training you need.

7. Other churches doing effective men’s ministry. Part of our goal for this newsletter is to highlight the lessons that those in our denomination are learning about how to be effective in discipling men. Please pass information on to us, and help us accomplish this objective!


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